Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > new baby hamster

new baby hamster

21 11:42:39

I just got a new baby hamster 3 days ago, but the problem is I dont know if she is drinking out of her water jug.
So my dad said to put a small bowl of water in the cage cause she might not know what the jug is for, but she drank out of the one at the pet store. So I put a small bowl in her cage but it doesn't look like she's drinking out of that either.

Hi Sara,

Many people become concerned that their new hamster can't find their water bottle.  However, rest assured that your hamster will find her water bottle, and she will drink out of it.  She is still adjusting to her new home, and it will take time for her to become used to her new environment.  You don't have to keep a water bowl in her cage.  (The water will quickly become contaminated anyway.)

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
