Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > BITING AND HANGING


21 11:57:19

Hiya! I have been worried about my hamster Snowy for ages. she likes doing the money bars on the top of her cage because there are bars there. I dont mind her doing that but she is always biting the bars while hanging and i dont know why? Why is she doing it? What can i do? please help me ASAP she has also loosened one of the bars with her teeth and her teenth mite be getting a bit long.  

Hi Ali,

There are a couple of things you should do to stop your hamster from chewing on her cage bars (which is bad for hamsters' teeth).  First, give your hamster chew sticks and a vegetable wheel (both found in petstores and stores like Walmart for cheap).  If your hamster always has something good and safe to chew on, her teeth should stay healthy.

To stop her from chewing on the cage bars, buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel) at a pet store.  You'll most likely find it in the ferret section, but it's safe for all small animals.  Spray or rub the bitter lime on the cage bars.  If Snowy tries to chew on them, she'll taste the bitter lime, and she'll be disgusted with it.  You may have to repeat this process a few times, until Snowy learns.

If, after you've taken these steps, her teeth are still too long, consult your vet to see if her teeth should be trimmed.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
