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hamster in old age

21 11:38:14

My hamster is now 2 1/2, he is uncomonly fat, is this common in old hamsters?

Hi Jo

Hamsters generally get a bit thinner when they get old.  Providing the fatness isn't down to a tumour or other lump inside him then I wouldn't worry.  They can develop tumours in their abdomens which can swell a lot (you may be able to feel a hardish lump inside his belly), they can also develop kidney problems, in which case they tend to go a 'pear' shape as their kidneys enlarge dramatically.  Is he drinking very much water?  

If you can, have a feel of him to see if there is anything obviously wrong.  Some hamsters just become obese.  In this case, it is important to cut down on any treats they are getting (keep giving all the standard food, and fresh vegetables, but cut out too many nuts, hamster treats etc).  Also, exercise is important.  Is his wheel large enough for him?  Most hamster cages come with a standard wheel which is far too small for an adult.  It could be that if his wheel isn't big enough, then he can't run in it as it will hurt his back.  If this is the case, then it might be worth replacing it with a new one (don't get one with bars as they can get their feed caught up in these).

If you have some small kitchen scales it would be worth weighing him on a daily basis and keeping a record to see if he is still gaining weight.

If you feel a lump, then this needs a vet to have a look in which case internal abdominal tumours end up with euthanasia as they can't be operated on and at this age your hamster wouldn't survive an anaesthetic anyway.  If the fatness is on his hips, keep a close watch on how much water he is drinking.  If it is a lot (most hamsters you hardly notice drinking water),then I would suspect kidney problems, which are common in hamsters of this age.

I do hope your hamster is just fat and happy and that he goes on to live out his days in peace.
