Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Can I play piano for my hamster?

Can I play piano for my hamster?

21 11:06:34

Hello again Sheila! You might remember me from the other question about taming.

Anyway, my question is, is it okay to play piano for my hamster? I'm curious because I tried it and it seemed to have no effect, however, I did notice that Waffle's ears were sort of moving back and forth and stopped when I finished.

Should I be worried that Waffle's ears are "twitching"? If it's not a problem, I might play for a bit longer because I'm worried about her health :(

Hi Sean

I'm sure it is fine for you to play piano with Waffles around.  however, it is important to remember that hamsters have very sensitive hearing as they rely heavily on this and their sense of smell to survive in the wild as their eyesight is so poor.  Therefore any hamster should not be placed near very loud music/tv.  Cages should not be situated next to hi-fi speakers etc. or in a direct line of loud noise.
