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Blackish Bump on Hamster

21 11:38:07

My hamster,Eggnog, has a blackish, small bump on her back near the spine. She is acting normal,eating,drinking,running in her wheel, and making her bed at night with fluff. I dont know if its a tumor, a bite, or a growth. Thank you for your time.

Hi Kayla

I just want to check that this isn't her scent gland - they are situated on their back, towards the sides and are symmetrical - sometimes they are very obvious - slightly raised and a black dot.  

Tumors tend to be more reddish/purple.  What type of hamster is she?  Does she live with other hamsters?  It could be a bite that has infected, but it would more than likely be red, and possibly have pus in it.

I would suggest you monitor it for the next few days to see if it gets any worse.  If it gets any bigger or the appearance changes then you need to get her to a vet for antibiotics. If it is an abcess caused by a bite, then the vet will need to drain it or remove it.   If you find it is a tumor, these can grow rapidly and can double during the course of a day - which is usually a good indication as to how aggressive it is.  Superficial tumors can be removed.

Hope this helps you.  Please let me know how you get on.
