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my haster is getting old!

21 11:55:42

I currently own a hamster that i have had since my 12 birthday (June 28, 2005). I do not know exactly how old he is because he was very large when i got him, and i am no expert! But it seems that my hamster is aging. His hair falls out when i stroke him, he has started neglecting to clean himself (It is quite noticeable because he is a VERY long haired hamster) and he acts different. I am scared that he will die of old age and I am very close to my baby. So my question is, is there anything i can do to prolong his life? Thanks so much!
Sincerely, concerned

hi sarah,

im aware you want to keep your hamster for as long as possible, but sooner rather than later old age IS going to get the better of him.

try giving him vitamin tablets from the pet store, and a tea-spoonful of warm milk and honey may help boost his immune system.

all you can do now, is spoil him, give him lots of bedding, treats and attention, try not to handle him too much but let him know your around. you will need to prepare yourself for the worst, hes an old man now, and will be ready to leave this life soon.

i wish you the best of luck and please let me know what happens. thank you for your question

joanne xxx