Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Not Eatting, Slow Movement & Greasy hair in some places.

Not Eatting, Slow Movement & Greasy hair in some places.

21 13:31:41

Dear Kelly,
    My Hamster is a teddy bear female Hamster,

1. She hasn't been eatting.

2. her movement is slow.

3. Slightly Greasy fur.

4. She got out of her cage 2 days ago, my dog went wild trying to get her from behind the dresser. Could she be in shock ?

Hi Danielle,

Shock doesn't last very long.  She's probably not in shock unless you dropped her while holding her, or she fell from a high place when she got out.  She might have eaten something, or perhaps she got to some electrical wires.  In any case, I would strongly urge you to get her to a vet, the sooner the better, as hamsters can deteriorate rapidly.  He/she can properly diagnose your hamster and treat it.  Good luck.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
