Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my girl hamster

my girl hamster

21 13:25:14

Hello I have a teddy bear hamster she is a girl. I got her 3 days ago and now she started to smell and have a white discharge comming from her. I took back to the petstore cuz I thought she had wet tail and they said she did not she is fine. I then took here home and called another petstore they said she is in season and that it is normal. I guess my concern is I keep reading about this and I see it happens every 4 or five days and this is a concern because the smell is horrid. I thought she may have been over it but again today I noticed it and her wheel again is all nasty and smells. So I have been taking the wheel out and cleaning it. What all does it mean when they say in season and how long does it last? Maybe I should have got a boy? I love her and she is for my daughter so Im happy she is a nice hamster but again I am concerned is she ok? Please help me I cant seem to get a strait answer. Thanks again Jen

Hi Jen,

The pet store was right - it's completely normal.  Female hamsters come into heat every 4 days.  When they come into heat, they often produce a musky odor and occasionally a white discharge.

Like I said, it's completely normal, and nothing to worry about :)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
