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Pregnant Hamster?!

21 12:01:27

Dear Karen,

My new dwarf hamster is about 2 or 3 months old. I got her 2 days ago. Recently, I noticed that she looked fatter around the middle. My brother DID feed her a lot but I think she might be pregnant.

She tosses around the bedding in her cage a lot. And, she won't let me pick her up, and when I do, and I try to examine her belly she either flips over or bites me.

Do YOU think she's pregnant? And also, if she is, what should I feed her?

Hi Adrie,

It's possible. She wouldn't be the first hamster that came from the pet store pregnant. If she is you need to start feeding her high protien foods like, scrambled egg,sunflower seeds and peanuts. A pregnant hamster can get crabby at times. If she starts attacking her cagemate(s) in any way seperate her into her very own cage (if she isn't already).  Once your female does give birth start feeding her a small piece of bread soaked in warm milk. This will help her milk supply especially if she has a large litter. You shouldn't touch the babies or clean the cage for two weeks after the birth.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question!