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winter white hamster with ear mites

21 12:01:28



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Question -
Hi, Kelly,
my winter white hamster is about 1 year and a half old. he has been scraching behind his ear in the past week, and is lousing fur there!!! there is tis yellow white oozy liquid in his ear, too!! the ear was also stuck to his head. i took it off, and wiped it off with toilet paper. what's wrong with him? thanks so much.


Answer -
Hi Shersten,

Your hamster may have ear mites, or he may have an ear infection.  Since there is pus coming out of his ear, I am more apt to believe it's an ear infection.  Take your hamster to the vet, who will probably prescribe antibiotics.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.


Thanks soooooooooooooooo much. he just squeked when i tried to clean the pus out of his ear, just 30 secconeds ago. is it really sencitave? thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooo much. you're a real help to me!!!


Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Shersten,

Yeah, I'm sure his ear hurts a lot.  Think about how much an ear ache hurts...then magnify that by about 10 times, and you can imagine how much an ear infection hurts.  His ear is extremely sensitive, and he's sensitive to loud sounds as well.  Try to be quiet around him, and place his cage in a quiet corner of your home until you can take him to the vet.  I hope he gets to feeling better :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
