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21 11:06:15

why do my hamester trying to get out the cage? what should we do for her? :s:S

Hi Rawan

Hamsters love escaping and given any opportunity they will try to, therefore it is very important their cage is always secure.

How big is your hamster's cage?  If it is too small, or if there aren't things to do - i.e. she must have a wheel that is large enough for her (if she is a Syrian hamster, the standard wheels that come in most cages are too small and need replacing with a large wheel), and she can climb (if she has a wire cage it is possible to buy ladders and platforms that you can clip from the top of the cage.  Without enough things to occupy her she will get bored and will look for ways of getting out).

If she is in a wire cage, make sure she can't open the door.  Sometimes you have to wire it shut to prevent this from happening.  If she is in a plastic/tubular cage, make sure she hasn't chewed a hole in any part of the cage otherwise she will continue to chew that area to escape.

Do you get her out for a run in an exercise ball?  If not, it would be worth getting one of these for her. Tape over the joins in the ball as they do have a habit of opening if the bang into furniture. Always supervise her when she is in it in case it gets stuck under furniture etc. Also, don't let her run around in it anywhere near the top of stairs - they can move very quickly in them and you don't want her hurting herself.  She might enjoy having a run around in this for about 20 minutes each evening.  In the wild hamsters can run up to 5 miles a night in search of food, therefore in captivity it is vital that they are given the opportunity to burn off this energy somehow.

Hopefully this will help  you.
