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hurt gerbil

21 11:50:17

i have two gerbils that have a seporater in their cage because they hate each other and yesterday one of them chewed through it. and tor up the other ones legs. i think it may be broken. i put them in different cages and asked one of the other experts what i should do for my gerbil. she said to take her to a nearby vet and put antibiotics on her leg but she is very bitey and i can't hold her long enough to put anything on it and the vet in town only treats animals as small as rabbits and my mom wont spend much money on her mainly because she is scared of anything mouse like and we are moving and don't have the money right now. what can i do for her?   please help!

Hi Leah,

Do you have any animal charities nearby as these can help and do discounted or free treatments if you are struggling. The thing you need to be concerned about is the wound becoming infected. You need to make sure you clean it every day, and hibiscrub is a good thing to use, you can buy this on the internet from the following link:

Also, another option is to ask your vet for Baytril 2.5%. I used to treat sick gerbils/hamsters all the time, and this is the antibiotic we used. If you can just get a vet to let you my 1.4 mls of this then you can treat your gerbil yourself. You would need to use a syringe and feed 0.1ml per day by the mouth.

Also, make sure your gerbil is still eating and drinking as this can have just as bad results if he isn't.

I hope this is of some help,
Let me know what happens,