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Black bear Hamster teeth

21 12:01:30

We have a young black bear hamster that's about 5 or 6 months old.  About two weeks ago I noticed something that looked like a bone coming through his check on the left side.  Now two weeks later it's much longer and probably a tooth, but it looks just like an Elephant Tusk.  He's eatting fine from what I see, he seems to be able to fill the pouch, as well as empty it, but it's not suppose to be there.  Can I file it like a dentist files a tooth with a nail file?  He always has Timothy Hay cubes available as well as toilet paper rolls for chewing and he eats the Hamster and Gerbil Forti-Diet food that's shaped like a small cube.  He's only given seed as a treat once a week.

hi debbie,

are you sure your hamster is only 5 - 6 months because from the information i have read, it usually tends to be older hamsters who are prone to crooked or broken teeth.

but it seems he isnt using this tooth to chew with, hence why it keeps growing as they grow at a fast rate, also hamster teeth will always regrow and keep growing, to ensure this is an overgrown tooth you should check that he has only 1 bottom or top tooth depending on where the over grown one is coming from. he may also not be using it to knaw with as it is sore. if it is yellow, like all hamsters, it is most likely a tooth, but you say its bone like and tusky, indicating its not the usual hamster tooth colour.

IF it is a tooth, id suggest a pair of nail clippers to very carefully cut it down to size, you will need to hold him by the scruff to encourage him to 'smile', be extremely careful that you do not cut his cheeks, pouches or tounge, and do not cut it to short. tho it sounds like his tooth may have come dislodged, meaning the clipping method will only be a temporary solution as it will continue to grow back in this awkward direction.

as i cant see him, i cant be certain that it is even a tooth, if u dont feel comfortable clipping it, take him to the vets and he will take a real good look, tell you what it is and charge a small fee for clipping it for you.

good luck with this and thank you for your question. please feel free to ask again and do let me know how you both got on, hope ive been of some kind of help.

joanne :)