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My hamster might be dying.

21 13:30:19

Hi i'm 13 and my hamster Isabella one her left side like right in front of her back leg it looks as if she is fat but only there and not on the other side. My sister and mom think its a tumor. She is a Teddy Bear Hamster and than her left eye wont open and i tried the warm water and q-tip on her eye and it didn't work. Also, she used to be really scared of me touching her and now its nothing she wont even sniff me to see if its me. Do you think she is dieing when shes only around 1 year old. My old hamster never had these problems but he was a male. Plus do male and female hamsters have different illnesses they can catch?

P.S sorry for my bad typing. It's late and im tired.

Thanks a bunch,

Hi Nicole,

Well, there are a couple of things the lump may be.  One, it could be an absess.  Look at the lump and try to see if there is a bite or scratch.  If you see a bite or scratch on the lump, it's probably an absess.  If it is an absess, then you need to take your hamster to the vet, as the absess could burst and become infected.
Two, it could indeed be a tumor.  Tumors usually occur in older hamsters and they're more common in females.  A tumor may be accompanied by fur loss, lethargy, poor condition, or wasting (but not always).  If it is a tumor, then your vet may be able to successfully remove it.

Most hamsters, regardless of gender, experience the same types of illnesses.  There aren't many gender specific illnesses, although, as I stated before, older female hamsters are more prone to tumors.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
