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Hamster Litter Habbits

21 13:31:27

I have had my hamster for almost one month now, he's a black bear hamster..and in the last week he's been tossing his poop outside his cage...his cage is a 3 level cage and i haven't seen him do it, but he must sit at the top and let it go or something! what can i do? is this normal? i don't like the poop showers all over the outside of his cage!!! -Jaime

Dear Jamie,
thank you for your question.
Some hamsters can be toilet-trained, so you could try to fill a bowl with bathing sand for chinchillas or degus and put in some of the poop.
But although most hamsters pick one spot to urinate, they will poop in the whole cage. So I don't think there is really much you can do. A small railing made of cardboard or hardwood at the levels could prevent the hamster from throwing the poop out, but the hamster will probably chew the railings or try to dig under them.
I hope I was of some help to you