Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Squwaking!!!


21 11:50:45

Hey Karen i wanted to ask you a few questions. What if your hamster is new to your house and keeps on Squwaking like a bird when you try to pick him up?
P.S- what should i do???

Hi Sabrina,

    This generally happens when you bring a hamster home. This is because they are scared. It is best to leave the hamster alone for the first few days (just make sure they have food and water). This is so they can get used to their new home and surroundings.
    After those few days are up, for the next 3 days, just stand or set by his cage and talk to him in a soft voice. This is so he can get used to your voice and your scent.
    On day 7, while talking to him, put your hand in the cage, Let him walk on it and sniff it. Don't try to pick him up at this point. Do this several times throughout the evening, while he is awake.
    On day 8, while talking to him, put your hand in again, let him walk on it and sniff it and this time while he is doing that, try to pet him with your fingers. If he accepts this, then you may try to pick him up. Do not force him. These steps will help your hamster gain your trust. Sometimes they may  have to be repeated. It just depends on your hamster.
     When picking up your hamster, it is best to cup one hand over the top of him until he gets used to you. This makes them feel safer and they are less likely to try and jump out of your hand.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!