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different hamster breeds mating

21 13:26:48

I have a 2 syrian hamsters that are male, one is a black bear and one is more like a teddy bear, and I recently got a russian dwarf female hamster that is 9 months old. Both of the males are between 4 and 6 months old and havent had any babies, the female is 10 months old and has had babies before, as reported by her previous owner.
I have had several hamsters and know alot about their care but not much about breeding. Can a dwarf hamster mate with a syrian hamster? I have never had two hamsters of opposite sex at the same time so I have never given it any thought, but if it was possible maybe I would. For all I know this is dangerous or impossible, but I was hoping you could tell me what you know so I don't do anything wrong!
Thanks so much

Hi Em,

No, it's not possible for a Dwarf to mate with a Syrian.  It's not only physically impossible, it's just plain impossible, since if you put a Syrian and Dwarf together, they would just fight anyway.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
