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Hamster is shaky, fat, and lethargic

21 11:51:32

Our 2 yr. old hamster started acting strange a couple of days ago. Up until now, he's been happy and healthy. He's been less active, which is no surprise considering his age, but now he's started shaking all of a sudden. He can barely walk for the shaking. He's also very fat all of a sudden. He seem lethargic, too. Any ideas? Thanks!

Hi Jeanie,

    Given the age of your hamster and the way he is acting, I am sorry to say that he is probably getting close to passing. The bloating suddenly, shaking and being lethargic are all signs. This process could take a day or even up to a week. It just depends on your hamster. I have seen this many times in my experience with hamsters.

Thank you for writing and I sure hope I'm wrong.