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inbreeding of hamsters..

21 11:37:47

uhmm, ive breed my hamsters and i guess they were brother & sister but then their offspring doesn't have any deformities..
i just want to know if inbreeding really results in their offspring's abnormalities because ive read at that its not true.. so im doing a lil survey..

and what hamster do u prefer? i have Syrian hamsters, and i just want to know if a dwarf hamster is much easier to handle bcoz ive read that they may nip more then Syrians..

thanks a lot!


Hello Audrey,
Just like in humans inbreeding can result in genetic defects or deformities down the line. It may not show up immediently but with enough inbreeding it can happen.
Also I prefer dwarf hamsters because they are more docile and smaller and so I can buy those cute plastic cages without worrying about my hamster getting stuck in the cages. In my opinion the dwarf hamsters are less nippy from my experience.