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Weird reaction

21 13:30:56

I was just petting my hamster tonight while she was wandering around on me and I touched right near her tail and it stood straight up and she froze.  She wouldn't move after that until I picked her up.  SO, the question is, is this a bad place to pet or a good thing.  Like cats like to have their butts scratched like that, is it the same for Hamsters or not.  I just thought it was a little funny.


Dear Patricia,
thank you for your question.
That's a normal reaction for female hamsters that are ready to mate. The male hamster touches them near the tail and the female shows her readiness to mate by standing straight up and lifting her behind. The females are able to bred every 4-6 days and when you touch them in the right spot at the height of that period, you will very likely get that reaction (it's normal that they "freeze" for a short period, too).
I hope I was of some help