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how do i tame my new hammy

21 13:31:49

i've had hamsters for about 4 years and i could tame ok. i found the girls a little harder to tame but i got there. now i have a new girl hamster for about a month and she takes food from my hand ok and will let my stroke her for about 2 minutes and then she turns on me and bites me and then runs into the  up stairs part of her cage. please give me some tips. thank you very much from emer lawlor aged 13  

thank you for your question.
Many hamsters will defend their territory and maybe that's what your hamster does. Does she bite you when you play with her outside her cage?

Or maybe it's just a way of showing you that she doesn't want to be petted any more. Unlike cavvies or rabbits, hamster will bite to show their displeasure. I think that is
most likely what happens.

That she takes food from your hand is a good sign, so she's not agressive by default. I would recommend not handling her much inside her cage but outside. Use food as a bait to make her come out and then just let her run around on you or in a hamster-safe playpen, don't pet her all the time. If she learns that being taken out of her cage and being with you means being able to run around and exploring, she will see being handled as a good thing.

I hope I was of some help to you