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Hamster throw up

21 11:05:28

My hamster, Demetri, has been throwing up on his wheel. I've only had him for a little more than a week and I am worried. He is a male Whinter White hamster tha I got from Petsmart. What should I do? Is this normal?

Hi Sasha

Thanks for your question.

I'm not sure that I understand what you mean in that he is throwing up?  Is he 'gagging'?  Have you actually seen him doing this, or are you finding food etc. in his wheel.  Hamsters do often urinate in their wheel, and store food in them.  If he is gagging this type of behaviour isn't normal for a young hamster and I would recommend that you go back to Petsmart and speak to them about it.  

I hope you get on OK.
