Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My gerbil looks ill...

My gerbil looks ill...

21 11:42:34

QUESTION: I hope you can help me because i wasn't really sure who to ask.
My Gerbil Chubby looks ill.
Her eyes are half closed and she hardly moves, she won't even eat her favourite treat. She wont drink either. I mixed a tiny bit of juice with her water to see if she would be interrested in the sweet taste, but she wasn't.
She does moves a bit , but only when i offer food. She "jogs" away from my hand then just colapses on the floor of her cage and stays there.
Can you help please?
Thank you

ANSWER: Hi Marya,

It sounds like your gerbil is very ill, so I would highly encourage you to take her to the vet.  (Call first to make sure your vet treats small animals.)  Until you take her to the vet, try to make her more comfortable by placing her food and water near her, and give her extra bedding for comfort.

I hope Chubby gets better soon!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for the answer, my mum was going to take her to the vet today but Chubby died during the night.
We buried her and planted flowers next to her "grave".
I noticed that she was like that at like 12pm.
I regret i didn't take her to the vet then.
I kind of feel guilty too....
I have got a hamster, so she can keep me company now.
Thank you anyway.
Oh and my hamster used to use her weel, but now she won't anymore. I don't really know why. Do you know why?
Thanks again
ANSWER: Hi Marya,

I'm very sorry for your loss :(  I'm glad you have another hamster that will help you get through this difficult time.

As for your question - When hamsters get older, they often become more sedentary (much like people).  Since your hamster doesn't use her wheel anymore, try to play with her more, so that she'll get exercise.  And, let her run in a hamster run-around ball for 10 minutes, once or twice a day.  Also, if your wheel has rungs, you should replace it with a solid wheel.  Wheels with rungs are uncomfortable and dangerous for hamster's feet; a solid wheel is much more comfortable, which would encourage exercise.

Once again, I'm very sorry for your loss.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Don't worry
I'll get over it someday but i'll always remember Chubby. Thank you for being v. nice.
What does sedentary mean? Sorry i don't know.
My hamster doesn't really like hamster balls, actually i'm not sure. I think she doesn't. My mum is going to get a hamster play pen. Yay! I hope she'll like it.
She does have a weel with rungs so i'm going to buy a new one.
Thanks again for being very nice.
Marya :)  =D

Hi Marya,

If your hamster is sedentary, it means she's not very active, and she doesn't get much exercise.  (For example, if a human is sedentary, he might sit on the couch all day and watch TV, instead of getting exercise.)  Sedentary hamsters become overweight, which shortens their life span.  That's why it's important for a hamster to get exercise by using a wheel or a ball.  A playpen, like you're getting, is also a good idea.  You can set up toys inside of the pen for your hamster to play with.  Also, let your hamster run in the pen for about 15 minutes at a time.  (After 15 minutes, return your hamster to the cage so that she can eat and/or drink.)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
