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Hamster sudden death?

21 11:37:56

Hi,my 13 yr old daughters black bear hammy died suddenly, she was 1yr and 5 months.She had no symptoms like weight loss or diarrea.The night before she died she was sleeping when she usually was up, but she did get up and eat,she looked really tired and her breathing was fast.The next morning We went to take her to the vet as she was the same,breathing fast and wore out looking but she died in my arms.My daughter wants to know why.I have told her we may never know, but any opinion would be appreciated? It kind of looked like a stroke at the very end,she fell over and could not get up, with very rapid breathing.Thanks so much.

Hi Mel

It is difficult to know for sure - as with these little creatures post mortems are never performed due to the cost.  However, from the symptoms you have described it sounds as though her heart was working incredibly fast, hence the tiredness, her rate of breathing.  Perhaps she had some form of blood clot which resulted in her having a stroke.  This does happen to hamsters from time to time.  Sometimes they are born with congenital heart disorders and, like humans, it is only when they are older that this becomes apparent.

It is very sad when this happens, but at least she died with you.  There is nothing that could have been done.  Unfortunately sometimes female Syrians do die around 18 months old, which is young, but not that uncommon.

I do hope you decide to get another hamster when the time is right as they are such great little pets.
