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Change in hamster behaviour

21 13:29:22

I have a year old Syrian hamster (female) and recently bought a Roborovski hamster (also female).

Both are in seperate cages,but are about 48 inches apart.

Everything seemed okay, until yesterday when my Syrian started to come out of her bed and into her toilet corner. Normally, I see her doing this only a few times a day, but from yesterday, she started to come out about once every hour to 'go'.

I got her out of her cage to play yesterday (she went just before I got her out) and I checked her over. Everything seemed fine, but I noticed when I looked at her backside, it was all as if she had never peed (no smell like there normally is).

I let her play for a bit and then she stopped in one of the corners of her playbox (something that she very rarely does) and went to the toilet. When I looked at what she had done, there was only a tiny, tiny bit of wee in the corner - nothing like the volume she normally produces. It looked to be a normal colour (no blood in it and milky).

Also, since the new hamster has been at home, my Syrian has moved her bed away from the corner of the cage where she normally sleeps (which is one of the corners nearest to the other hamster) and it is now in the middle of her cage.

Is this a sign of territorial behaviour or is it something that I should be worried about?

Thank you for any advice that you can give me.

Dear Adele,
thank you for your question.
I don't think that this has anything to do with the new hamster. Hamsters of different species usually ignore each other.
Let a vet check your hamster, the constant urinating does not sound good. I cannot give any advice on this because I have no medical training, but it's definitely not normal.
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help