Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > do they smell bad?

do they smell bad?

21 11:32:16

Do they really smell bad?  (the cages)?  Can you put them next to the kitchen sort of.  What do you have to clean out once a week in the cage?  The bathroom business or the whole cage?

Hamster cages and hamsters themselves are not stinky unless you go a while without cleaning the cage. Don't put the tank in the kitchen, the noise and the smells will affect your hamster's well being. Choose a quiet, low traffic area for the hamster's cage. Hamsters are awake at night and can get pretty noisy, so think twice before putting them in a bedroom. Once a week change all the litter, you may be able to see poop only in one area, but it's the urine that smells, and you can't see it quite as well.