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Is my Syrian having wet tail?

21 11:59:56


I really need help regarding my Syrian hamster! She is probably 2 years old. Yesterday i noticed her eyes were wet and closed as if she was crying. At first I thought it was just a small problem but I think she has got a wet tail. I read about wet tail at some websites but I need confirmation. She is not active since I noticed her eyes were wet. Usually she would run around in her cage until I let her out. Just now i checked her and she seems weak and refuse to drink milk when i offered to her. Her eyes are still wet. Her bottom is wet too but its probably just because she urinates. Please tell me if she is having wet tail or some other disease. Thank you in advance.

Hi Hariz,

       Wet tail is very hard to diagnose. Diarrhea is generally the result of overfeeding fresh fruits and vegetables, a sudden dietary change or mild stress. Some things you can do are, Remove all fresh fruits and vegetables and keep her on a diet of dry grains and plenty of water. If the diarrhea does not improve within 2 days, veterinarian advice should be sought.

       Watery eyes are not a sign of wet tail and givin the age of your hamster and the fact that she is less active, it just may be that she is getting ready to retire.

Thank you for writing and best of luck.