Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > squeeling/bleeding


21 11:31:46

QUESTION: my mom picked me up two hamsters, and since just 2 night ago, they started
squeeling and when i looked they looked like they were wrestling. I picked up
one today, and noticed his back was all wet. I noticed some pinkish red marks
on his leg and tail, is he bleeding? and why r they fighting if thats what they are

ANSWER: Hi Grant,

what kind of hamsters are they please?

Kind Regards,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: robo dwarfs

Hi Grant,

your Roborovskis will wrestle with each other to find out which one is the dominant one.

You might hear some squeeling too but they should stop after a few days, once they have established a 'pecking order'.

If you see any blood or if they are squeeling really bad then you may have to separate them.

Kind Regards,
