Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Biting the cage

Biting the cage

21 11:43:43

hiya! Snowie my hamster had a old tiny cage and kept biting the bars so i got her a new big cage so she doesnt get bored! She has not been biting the big cage bars until i saw her just now. She has noring bloks and i cant get her a bigger and funner cage so what do i do if this biting carries on? When she bites it looks like she is panicking a bit but i dont know!
                help A.S.A.P please!!!!! i am really worried!
                    Ali x x  

Hi Ali,

Many hamsters chew on the bars of their cages.  Since this can cause teeth problems, and it can also rub the hair off their noses, the behavior should be stopped.  Buy Bitter Lime Gel (or Spray) at the pet store.  It's marketed towards ferrets, so it should be in the ferret section.  It's anywhere from $5-10, and it's safe for all small animals.  Rub or spray the Bitter Lime on the bars of the cage.  If your hamster tries to bite the bars, she'll taste the Bitter Lime and be disgusted.  You may have to repeat this process a few times, but she should soon get the hang of it :)

Also, be sure to keep giving your hamster chew toys, since hamsters' teeth are constantly growing and need chew toys to help file them down.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
