Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > do gerbils have fleas?

do gerbils have fleas?

21 11:59:13

  i was just wondering do gerbils have fleas?, i have four pets in my house a parrot, a cat, a gerbil and a dog. and we have had a couple of fleas and the dog and cat have been covered in flea powder but we're still getting them, if gerbils do have fleas what substance gets rid of them? please help me.

Hello Jodie,

Gerbils don't normally get fleas. The only way a gerbil can get a flea is if it picks it up off a cat or dog. There are flea treatments i think in most pet stores, although you should be certain your gerbil is carrying a flea before using treatment. If you are not sure it may be best to ask your local vet!!

I hope this helps you, but if you have further questions please feel free to ask!!
