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bedding and sleeping

21 13:29:54

Hi Kelly,
Our hamster, Nibbles, is about 13 or 14 weeks old now, we got it at Xmas (still not sure of sex yet!).  It sleeps so much that my son hardly ever gets to see it awake. Is it possible to train it to be awake earlier?  I have considered whether the room isn't warm enough but its always comfortable for us. The central heating goes off at night so it may get a bit colder then but the cage is in the warmest room so although we live in Ireland I don't think its cold enough to hibernate. The hamster is often not awake until after 10pm.
Also could you clarify exactly the best type of bedding for hamsters. At present we're using sawdust (the sort sold for small animals though it doesn't actually state which tree its from) and fluffy bedding which I now believe to be wrong.  The fluffy bedding seems so much cosier than paper but if its not good I'll stop using it immediately.
Thankyou for your help with my last question, I'm sure there'll be many more.....curious wee animals aren't they?

Hi Emma,

Yes, they are interesting creatures!  

Hamsters don't usually hibernate when kept in captivity.  They are naturally nocturnal animals.  You would probably fight a losing battle if you tried to keep them awake during the day.  That being said, however, you can train your hamster to wake up a few hours earlier.  Wait until it's dark outside (but not before 6:00 or 7:00, to ensure better results) and gently wake up your hamster.  If you keep it engaged for a few minutes (play with it, put it in an exercise ball), it should stay awake.  Do this continuously, as it's very easy for your hamster to fall back into his old habits.

As for the bedding - Pine and Cedar beddings are very dangerous to small animals.  They contain strong aromatic oils to keep odor away, which in turn bothers the hamster's breathing.  Many hamsters who have this type of bedding end up with respiratory infections.  There are two types of safe beddings - Aspen and Carefresh.  Carefresh bedding is made up of recycled paper, and it's very absorbent.  It's a bit more expensive than Aspen, but only by about $.50-1.00.  You can find these types of bedding in your local pet store.  (Also, Walmart tends to sell them.)

Sawdust would have a dangerous similar effect as Pine and Cedar on your hamster.  Also, fluffy bedding is extremely dangerous.  It can become impacted in your hamster's pouches, or it can tangle in their limbs.  It's appalling that pet stores still sell fluffy bedding.  If you want to give your hamster softer bedding, try shredded pieces of plain toilet paper.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
