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My hamster is bitin 4 no reason

21 11:32:23

My name is jonny and iv'e got a hamster called Schnuff (a chinese or russian dwarf (not sure)). She was very docile until a week or 2 then she started biting me for no reason! she bit me rite on a vein and it wouldn't stop bleadin 4 20 mins. she was quite aggresive wen i got her (bout 5 months ago) but i thought that i'd tamed her. she used to fite with chili (my bro's hamster) so we had to seperate em.

plz can u tell me y she started biting me (she also bit my bro and mum and my dad is 2 scared 2 go near her lol)


It sounds as though this could be a dwarf Russin  - a Campbell.  If so, this is quite common - their personalities can change and whilst you can be lucky with them, often they get a bit nippy.  

I think you need to start all over with taming her - talk to her a lot, feed her treats and she should start to recognise you and associate you with nice things.  Before you handle her, wipe some of her bedding on your hands so her scent is on you.  Don't grab at her - scoop her up and put her on your clothing, rather than holding her in your hands.

It might take time to tame her, but it would be worth persevering. If you are afraid to pick her up, you could catch her in a plastic cup, then put her on your clothing.

Good luck with this,
