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is my hamster sick or pregnant

21 11:55:40

i have a hamster.....the first time i bought the hamster it was very active. But after few weeks i think it start to become week and most of the time it stay in it's house and less drinking water.After that i find of that near the butt of the hamster start to become a little bigger..i'm so worried about that.So is my hamster sick or pregnant??Please help me...thanks!!  

Hi there,

I don't think it sounds as though your hamster is pregnant, it does sound sick, and so i think you should take it to a vet as soon as possible, as early treatment is essential for survival.

Unfortunately i can not tell you what it maybe as there are several things that can cause changes to the bottom area, and so it will need an examination. It is however important that you make sure the hamster is eating and drinking, and you may have to encourage this by droppering water into the mouth slowly!!!

Hope this helps,
Hope your hamster gets better,