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Is my Gerbil okay_

21 11:34:17

I have been wondering what is wrong with my gerbil. I have only had it for 3 or 4 days todayL but it seems to be loosing hair. It doesn't appear to be drinking and its tail is always wet. I gave it a bath ( I just put him in water) todayL is that ok_ Because his tail isn't slimy and the bald spots are not as visibke as they wereL but they are still there. Everybody says its okayL but I can't help but to worry. Do you think it might have something to do withL the place I bought him at picking him up by his tail_-*Please help.-*   SincerelyL-*         Eden

Hi Eden,

If his tail is always wet you MUST get him to the vet!!! He may have wet tail which is an illness they get from stress. The stress can simply be from being moved homes, so from pet shop to your house etc.
This is an illness which does not get better, it gets progessively worse and is fatal if not treated. If caught early enough he/she will have a good chance of survival. Book your appointment with a vet, and tell them it is an emergency you think it may be wet tail as you dont want to be waiting to be seen. You need to make sure he/she is eating and drinking, if not then you need to syringe feed yourself, as without fluids it will become very dehydrated and this can be dangerous too.

Also, change his bedding daily and make sure he is kept warm!!
I hope this helps and good luck!!
Let me know what happens!