Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > questions


21 13:31:18

Sorry I'm bugging you but I have 5 hamsters so I kinda have alot of questions. well...
I'm going on a trip to disney world and i'll be gone for about 5 days. Will my hamsters be alright. I would think they would get really lonely. my brother will be there but he won't play with him but he will feed them and fill up there water. My hamsters LOVE to play and i don't know if they would be alright not getting played with for 5 days. There so used to getting played with every day. Also my hamster cupcake seems really scratchy all of a sudden she always rubbs her back on her cag and her wheel and other things. one more question... my aunt told me lettuce is bad for hamsters. she said hers got cut open because of it and the pet store said lettuce wasn't good for them. is that true?
thanks for your help about pepper's cuts!
   from alexa

Hi Alexa,

Don't worry, you're not bugging me at all!  I enjoy answering questions about small animals.  I too have 5 hamsters, and I learned a lot by asking questions.  So feel free to keep asking :)

As long as your brother feeds and gives fresh water to your hamsters, they will be fine.  Make sure he knows exactly what to do, and to be careful and make sure all of their cage doors are closed.  Also, it would probably be a good idea to close the door to the room they're in.  That way, if one escapes, he/she will be much easier to find.  If you trust your brother to be careful enough, you could tell him to let your hamsters in run-around balls for about 15 minutes every evening.  This exercise will be good for them, especially since you won't be around to play with them.  Running around will help release their energy.

As for your hamster Cupcake, she could be suffering from  mites, mange, ringworm, allergy or some other cause such as fungal infection.  The fur should be inspected for signs of mites and you should give consideration to any change in the hamster's environment which could have caused an allergic reaction. If the cause of the skin irritation is not established, then you should take your hamster to the vet.  Also, if you have other animals such as dogs or cats that are sometimes inside, you should make sure they are given flea medication on a regular basis; fleas and mites, even ticks, can easily jump from a cat or a dog onto a hamster.

Lettuce can be given in small amounts occasionally; if fed too often, it can cause liver problems.  Make sure it isn't iceberg lettuce.  However, if you want to ere on the completely safe side, some other fruits and vegetables you can feed your hamster are as follows: seedless apples, blueberries, bananas, carrots, peaches, pears, and cooked kidney beans.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
