Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Please answer ASAP

Please answer ASAP

21 11:50:40

God bless,
I have a Syrian Hamster that was given to me by my dad's co-worker and he had bought it for his younger son the problem was that he hardly took care of it. When I first got the hamster she had her eyes shut and couldnt open them and her cage was really dirty and smelly.
Her pee is really smelly and now im concerned because her belly is really big and when I touch her I can feel big lumps inside her stomach. Is this normal, is she overweight? Thank you, god bless!!!

Hello Angie,
I need to know a little more information, does she have wettail? The lumps on her stomach could be a sign of sickness. She shouldn't have large lumps in her stomach. Due to the fact that you found her in such poor conditions, I would honestly consider taking her to a vet to get checked out. Those lumps could be tumors.
I am so glad you are taking care of the hamster, you are a wonderful person to do all of this. I pray that the lumps are really nothing, but I know a hamster should have a smooth belly. They can be overweight like mine but generally they don't have a "bloated" look and they have smooth bellies.
Keep me posted on how the hamster is doing.