Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > girbel


21 11:51:33

i have change my girbels bedding about 5 times. no matter what it is his nose still bleeds. not only is his nose bleeding but he is loosing the fur around his knows  

It sounds like your gerbil has a sore nose or nasal dermatitis. It can be caused by stress, small cage, certain beddings like wood chips or high humidity. You need to take your gerbil to a vet asap to seek medical treatment. If it's really bad the doctor will give antibiotics. I would buy a softer bedding like carefresh or soft sorbent bedding. Also as of right now you can try putting neosporin on it to help keep the wound clean and to heal it. You can also use a mild disinfectant like an antibacterial shampoo or something. Here is a link below for more information on sore noses.
Good Luck.