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Hamster sexing/breeding

21 13:31:46

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Question -
My friend/neighbor has four hamsters. I think they're Syrian, but I'm not sure. We also think there's 3 females and one male. How can we tell for sure? They are around 5-7 months old and we think one of the females are pregnant. How do we know that for sure? Thanks for your help.
Answer -
 First off, i hope they are all in seperate cages. If not they will all eventually kill or maim eachother. If they are males they will have a large buldge near their tails. if it is absent, it is a female. If a female is in a cage with males, she is most likely pregnant. Please tell your friend they all need to be seperated if they are not all ready. If the female is pregnant she will be drinking lots of water, sleeping more, eating more, and getting noticable rounder. Please let me know if you belive she is pregnant after what i have told you and i will give you tips on preparing her for birth and once the babies arrive. Good luck and again, if they aren't already, please seprate all the hamsters.


Well, I know that Syrian hamsters will fight if they're in the same cage, but we're not even sure that they're Syrian. The female is eating and drinking a lot more, but I'm not sure about her sleeping. Is there any way to tell if they're Syrian or not?

Actually, all hamsters of any breed will fight and kill eachother., Hamsters are very solitary. Get cages for all o them immediatly or they will start to kill eachother off. Assume the female is pregnant if she has been with three males for more than few days. Good luck and again please give each hamster a separte cage.
