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Is my Chinese hammie pregnant?

21 12:01:09

I have 2 chinese hamsters, which i bought from a small local pet shop. When i bought them i thought they were both female. Just recently one of them(pigeon) has started getting slightly fat (it has been about a week) and i am not sure whether she is pregnant or not. Most of the hints are there, like she has started hording material and being slightly more aggressive towards Pixie(not dangerously though just warnings when he/she goes in her nest). Websites say you must not bother them too much so i have stopped going into their cage as much but i still feed and water them daily i just haven't changed the nest in a while just in case. I don't know what else to do, as i am not 100% sure. Can you help me?

From Emily G

it sounds like she may be either pregnant or really aggressive. The thing is to keep cleaning out the cage constantly until she gives birth because you can't clean the cage out for at least 2 weeks. you will need to seperate the other hamster from the cage before she gives birth so she won't eat them. She may have already been pregnant before you bought her. Sometimes it does happen. you should not mess with the nest at all and leave her to herself. That's the best thing to do. Good luck and keep me posted