Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Over Exercise?

Over Exercise?

21 11:31:50

Hello. I have a 4 month old teddy bear hamster named Tequi. She loves her
hamster ball, but we find her sleeping or naping in it after about 5 mins of
running around. When we put her in her cage, she runs on the wheel, and
then takes a short nap, then goes right back on her wheel, and then naps.
She only stops for food or water. She sleeps for only about 6 hrs then she
starts moving around again, then takes a short nap, then moves around. She
is in a 3 level cage n i extended it (on top) to fit a wheel thats the proper size.
There are no sharp edges or n e thing, jus incase your wondering.

I know that hamsters are nocternal, but Tequi seems to start her activity
around 4 pm and doesnt stop till about 4-6 am. After her 6 hrs of sleep she
starts to sluggishly move around. As far as i kno, she isnt sick, she jus seems
to ever this the case or am i worrying 2 much?

Hi Arden

Female hamsters are a lot more active than males. Some can be quite hyperactive.  In the wild hamsters can travel up to 5 miles in a night in search of food and bedding, therefore in captivity, some seem to be forever running in their wheels.  Whilst males tend to sleep until late into the evening, females often wake up on and off all day - so this sounds perfectly normal.  If you are worrying about her you could restrict her use of the wheel - just put it in when you go to bed so she has it during the night, but unless she is showing signs of collapse, rather than just wanting a nap, I wouldn't worry about this at all.

I would avoid feeding any sugary treats which might cause her to be more hyperactive - make sure she has a well balanced diet - hamster mix, fresh vegetables.
