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hamsters breathing

21 11:30:20

i have just noticed that my hamsters breathing is going very fast much more than usual.can you give me any advice. he is nearly 2 years old.

Hi Declan

Hamsters can suffer from breathing difficulties and this can be down to a number of things.

Firstly, hamsters around 2 are classed as old, therefore it could be that this is an age related respiratory problem.  In which case, there is not a lot you can do about it.  They can develop heart problems or have tumors which can affect their breathing.  

They can also get what is known as aspergillosis - this is when there has been uneaten food that has gone moldy, or damp areas of the cage that have attracted fungal spores - when these are released into the air if a hamster breathes them in they can become very sick and in some cases die.  I would advise that you check the cage - give it a good clean and make sure it is dry before you put any bedding etc. in it.  Hamsters with this condition do tend to look unwell and sit hunched up or have to position themselves on their side in order to breathe easily.  Hamsters who have this need to be treated urgently with antibiotics.

Apart from the breathing being different, has anything else changed?  Is he sneezing or behaving differently?  

The use of air fresheners, perfumes or other strongly scented sprays or chemicals can affect a hamster's breathing.  As they rely heavily on their sense of smell as their eyesight is so poor, it is important that no strong smelling products or chemicals are sprayed near them. This includes the 'plug in' type of air fresheners.  It might be worth just checking the location of your hamster's cage to check that nothing has changed in that area.

If your hamster looks as though he is in distress or if other symptoms appear, then I would suggest you get him checked out by your vet. Your vet may well say this is just old age, but at least it would put your mind at rest.
