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pregnant hamsters

21 13:25:46

I need to know the signs the of a  pregnant female hamster.and she is a Syrian hamster

Hi Holly

With most small animals, it is difficult to tell if they are pregnant until the very last stages of pregnancy, when they will rapidly gain weight (especially toward the back, they seem to "bulge" out on either side of the spine).  Sometimes, though, they do not.  Hamsters have been known, every so often, to have only one or two babies per litter, in which case you may never know mom is pregnant at all until she gives birth!

Syrian hamsters have an average gestation of 18-21 days, so if you think you know when your hamster got pregnant, count about 20 days forward and mark it on your calendar.  If you don't, you'll just have to wait 18 days and see.  :)