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My Gerbil is Ill

21 11:37:57

Recently while playing with my two gerbils (I have owned for the past 6 months) I discovered that one of my gerbils had developed a small patch of missing fur on the tip of her nose. Her behavior is appropriate and my second gerbil is friendly and it wouldn't have been likely that she could have caused that.I have given her proper food proportions along with water, so what is the cause of this dilemma? How can I fix this?

It sounds like your gerbil could have nasal dermatitis, but generally you see more symptoms like scabs on the nose or crust. I'd keep a watch out to make sure of scabs or crust on the nose doesn't develop. If you start noticing that then I would switch to a softer bedding like care fresh or soft-sorbent bedding and use a mild anti-bacterial soap and water to wipe the nose.