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Bedding for Teddy Bear Hamster

21 11:14:42

Hi Heather,

I change the bedding of my hamster once a week. When I do so I discard everything including the "goodies" my hamster hides during the week. I've noticed that when I put her back in her tank she starts looking all over, specially in the corners trying to find all the food she had saved. Am I doing right discarding all and start fresh? or, should I be selective and keep the "goodies"? I appreciate getting your input.


PS: BTW I use "Carefree" for bedding your thoughts about it as well please

Hi Lou

Allowing your hamster to keep her food hoard really depends on the type of food and the condition of it.  If she stashes nuts and seeds, then providing she hasn't peed on them and they aren't moldy, then these can be picked out from her cage and returned to her.  I often try to do this, especially for the ones who love to empty the entire contents of their bowl into their nest, otherwise they do get very stressed when they return to find their nest is empty.  Some hamsters tend to pee on their food, in which case, don't give it back.  Also, if you feed fresh fruit/vegetables (advisable to feed a small quantity daily), or cheese, egg etc. then if this has contaminated the food hoard you will have to throw the lot out.  Any left overs of any of these foods should be removed daily as a precaution.  The reason for this is that damp food can go mouldy, especially if the hamster is sleeping on it as they can get quite hot and this generates condensation in some cages (especially if they sleep in tubes or plastic houses).  If mould does start to grow and your hamster breathes in any of the fungal spores this can make her very sick.  There is an illness called aspergillosis which is caused by this and affects the hamster's breathing and sadly the prognosis isn't very good at all.  Hence the reason why it is important to clean the cage well (get rid of any urine) and remove anything that can go mouldy.

I don't use Carefree bedding (purely for the cost factor as I always have so many hamsters to take care of - so I use wood chippings and a shredded paper), but from what I have heard it sounds fine for hamsters.

I hope this helps you.
