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My Hamster Is SICK!!! HELP!!!

21 12:01:37

my hamster hasnt been itsself latly it only 4-6 months old but all it does is sleep and i picked it up to see how it was doin and it was very dead like its tail and butt are wet? is there anything i can do?

Hi Kelsea,

Sounds like your hamster may have wet-tail which is one of the most common disease in hamsters. This is a serious matter and needs to be taken care of immediately. You can find treatment for wet-tail at most pet stores and follow the directions on the bottle. All food should be removed from the cage for the first 24 hours (after you have gotton the medicine). Sterilize everything the hamster has come in contact with ( diluted household bleach works well to setrilize the cage, food dishes, water bottle, wheel, toys,etc,) and thoroughly wash hands with an anti-bacterial soap both before and after handling the hamster or anything that has been exposed. The bedding should be changed daily. Make sure you have an adult help you (if this isn't an adult). Also to rehydrate your hamster you can give him or her unflavored pedialyte (available in most stores, it's for babies) instead of just plain water. If your hamster has gotten worse since you wrote this or is not better in the next 2 days (after you have started treatment) I would suggest taking him/her to the vet as soon as possible. If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck.