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14-day Baytril dose for Abscess too long or just right?

21 11:06:15


Took my hamster in for an abscessed cheek pouch last Tuesday, vet aspirated it with a needle and put hamster on 0.01 of Baytril twice daily for 2 weeks. His swelling seems much better, and he is eating and drinking, but not as much as usual and he seems really tired -- which I hear are side effects from the Baytril. He will perk up when I take him out and pet him for a little bit -- then he wants to walk all over the place. When I put him back in his cage, he eats a little bit and goes back under his igloo or in his hiding spot and goes back to sleep. He runs on his wheel a little bit,but not as much as usual.

Again, I am told that these are side affects from the Baytril (tiredness and not being as hungry) -- but I am wondering if a 7-day dose would be enough, or should I follow through with the 14 days of the prescription that the vet gave. I don't want the infection to come back, and I know if antibiotics don't run their full course, the infection can come back worse.  A lot of times, a prescription is only given for 7 days, but I know sometimes if the infection is bad, they do extend it to 14. I just feel bad b/c he seems so tired.

Anyway, just wanted a 2nd opinion. I know your'e not a vet, but I figured maybe you'd experienced this with one of yours.

Hamster history: Chinese Dwarf, male, about 1 year old, no prior health problems other than diabetes which is managed with fenugreek and diet. His weight is good, his fur is clean, except when he wakes up, it's a bit ruffled (from sleeping).Vet said teeth looked fine, that the infection was at the bottom of cheek pouch, most likely resulting from a cut from a seed shell or something like that. If you need more, let me know.

ANSWER: Hi Sharon

Sorry to hear your hamster hasn't been well.

I'm going to check into this for you and ask a friend who has treated many animals with abscesses.  I've never had to, luckily so I'm not sure what the procedure is for the duration of antibiotics.

Abscesses can make the hamster incredibly ill and his behavior could be the combination of antibiotics, and the poison from the abscess working its way through his system.  You might want to try tempting him with a few special foods right now - does he like cheese, or scrambled egg?  You could also try giving him baby food - if you buy a packet of creamy porridge oats powder and mix a little with water, I have found that all my hamsters love this, especially if they are a bit under the weather.  Keep on feeding his usual dry mix too so that his teeth don't overgrow.

I personally would be tempted to follow the vet's advice and complete the course of medication, but I will get back to you once I hear back from my friend if she has any other advice she can give.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks! He does eat a little bit of his dry mix, and I caught him chewing on one of the puppy Milk Bones that I gave him to chew on, and he loves his lettuce still, just not as much. He devours the plain unflavored yogurt I give him to offset the digestive effects of the baytril, so maybe he would like the creamy porridge oats -- I do have some of those from another hamster. I'll definitely try that. He hated hard boiled egg, and really didn't care for cheese, but maybe I'll try giving him a little scrambled egg tomorrow to see if he likes it.

He doesn't feel underweight or anything, so I think he IS eating, I just think not as much. He used to be a little piggy -- but would burn it off with incessant running in his wheel at night (which he hasn't done as much since this whole ordeal started).

I will keep on with the antibiotics! I just want him to feel better, as I just feel bad that he's had to go through all of this, he's so little!

Hi Sharon

I've not heard back yet, but will be in touch over the weekend if I get any info.  

These little creatures are such a worry as illness can hit them really hard, but they can also come back from illness very quickly too.  All you can do is your best and be guided by your vet - hopefully once your hamster comes off the antibiotics he will be back to his old self a bit, but when hamsters get to around 18 months or so they do start slowing down a bit anyway, so this is normal.  Does he like seeds?  Dwarf hamsters generally like eating sunflower, sesame, millet seeds etc. I've never known one to turn their nose up at a sunflower seed!

Hope he is OK.