Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what does baby gerbils eat?

what does baby gerbils eat?

21 11:56:54

What does baby gerbils eat? I just thought of it because all the babys had gotten ate by their mother and one was staying still like a mummy so i thought "How can baby gerbil die when her mother didn't eat him/her?" so I just think that baby gerbils has to eat something too. (it's the forth time that it happened) she's pregnant again...

Hi Andy,

It depends how old the baby gerbil is. If it is 3weeks or over, you can start offering it canary seed, or cheerios (cereal), and gerbil food, as it should be able to begin eating solid food. If it is younger than this then it still will need it's mothers milk!!

Hope this helps!