Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > can you please help my hamster?

can you please help my hamster?

21 11:42:59

hi my hamster is starting to get bald and starting to grow spots on her hips and inside them spots there are dots and the spot is getting brown and no hair is growing in it my grandma washed it with dettol protect because it kills bad bacteria and dandruff  pieces is growing on his skin and he keeps on liking his skin and Scratching and there is lots of sore skin and cuts on his eye and skin. can a hamster have a baby by its own i need some help please

hi sultan,

please tell me you are joking???!!! your granma put bleach on your hamsters scent glands????!!!! these brown spots are totally normal and are sometimes called hip-spots and are more noticable in males, so chances are your hamster is male, not female.

The reason why your hamster has become so ill, is because of the bleach which he has been licking off his hip-spots. his eyes are probably irritated by it, and his skin is probably cracked and sore. i suggest you clean the skin which the bleach came in contact with, with warm, clean water. use a q-tip very gentle on his eyes, with warm water and wipe out the bleach.

NEVER EVER use bleach on any animal, this was a very irresponsible thing to do. I'm shocked that anyone would use cleaning products on an animal.

these brown spots are totally normal, so leave them be once you've cleaned them with warm water. he will probably need to see a vet, as the dettol has, by the sounds of it, burnt his skin, this is why it is dry and cracking.

No hamster cannot get pregnant, or have babies on their own.

Thank you for your question.
