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Taming Adult hamster

21 11:40:25


Im just wondering if you could give me some tips on taming my hamster who is about one yr old?

would much appriciate some advice

Many thanks

Teaching an old hamster NEW tricks!  This could be a challenge depending on the hamster's personality. I find that most all hamsters can be trained to become hand tame, no matter what age.  However if this hamster has had a history of violence (territorial, biter, killer) it may become very hard to tame.  

Start slow as with any other hamster.  You will have to earn this hamster's trust.  First off clean the entire cage and start fresh.  No food in the cage, just the bottle, bedding and shaving, alongside the toys and wood chew toys (if any).  When the hamster awakens, offer it some food by hand, making sure to hold the food in your fingers in such a way that the food can be pulled away and not offer your fingers as snacks.  Do this with one piece of fresh veggie as well.  Make sure the hamster takes it from your hand and does not bite you by mistake.  After you hand feed it several pieces of food, place a tablespoon full of food near the hamster.

Continue the above for at least four days gradually increasing the food from one tablespoon to nearly a third of a cup.  When a hamster builds his food stores it makes them more confident and also keeps them well fed (less chances of it biting you by mistaking you for food).  

Once you your hamster knowingly associates you with being fed, he may start to wake up earlier to get your attention.  If you are afraid of picking up the hamster initially, then just take a washcloth and pick him up with that.  Handle your hamster at least twice a day for no less than three minutes.  If he gets finicky then put him back and try again later.