Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > tamingadult hamster

tamingadult hamster

21 11:40:25


Please could you give me some tips on taming my yr old hamster?

id really appriciateyour advice

Many thanks

Hi Jane,

    Given your hamster is a year old, the taming process may take longer than it would with a younger hamster, but it sure wont hurt to try.
    Here are the steps:
For the first few days leave your hamster alone. This is so he/she can get used to their new home and surroundings.
Day 4-6: Stand or set by your hamsters cage and talk to them in a soft voice. This is so they can get used to your voice and your scent.
Day 7: While talking to your hamster, put your hand in it's cage. Let it sniff and walk on it. Do not try to pick it up at this point. Do this off and on throughout the evening while it is awake.
Day 8: While talking to your hamster, put your hand in again, let it sniff and walk on it and this time when the hamster comes to you, try petting it with your finger/s. If the hamster excepts this, then you may try to pick it up. Do not force it, if it don't want to be picked up then let it be and try again later. The taming process is on the hamsters terms only and may need to be repeated, it just depends on your hamster.
    Once you are able to hold your hamster, it is best to cup one hand over it until it gets used to be held. This makes them feel more secure and they are less likely to try and jump.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!